Am I crossing a boundary?

Sometimes the lines between following the service plan and what the customer asks us to do can be difficult to clarify, especially in a consumer-directed environment. When thinking about whether a situation could be a potential boundary problem, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Could I or my family or friends benefit directly from this situation?
  • Would a fair and reasonable person in the same position make this decision?
  • Would I tell my manager about this?
  • Have I considered all my options?
  • Would my actions withstand public scrutiny?
  • What is my duty as an employee? (Policies and Procedures, Positions of trust, Home Care Worker/Staff member?)

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Lesson Summary

Sometimes it can be challenging to determine the boundaries between following a service plan and fulfilling customer requests in a consumer-directed environment. When faced with a situation that may involve potential boundary issues, consider the following questions:

  • Could I, my family, or friends directly benefit from this situation?
  • Would a fair and reasonable person in the same position make this decision?
  • Would I feel comfortable telling my manager about this?
  • Have I explored all available options?
  • Would my actions withstand public scrutiny?
  • What is my duty as an employee, considering policies and procedures and the positions of trust in which I serve as a home care worker or support officer?

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